On Feb 24 2022 / by Wyoming Paul

5 ways to improve security at your business

Here are 5 ways to improve the physical security of your business

Small businesses can be an attractive target for theft, as they often have lower security measures than larger businesses while stocking goods that are just as valuable.

Here are five simple ways to improve the physical security of your business.

1. Limit access to your business

The easiest way to access your business is with the key, so to improve security the first step is to limit and manage the keys that are given out.

  • Number your keys or access cards so you can easily track them, but don’t add any details such as business name, phone number or address.
  • Only give keys to employees who need them, such as those trusted to opening the business in the morning.
  • Use a spreadsheet to keep track of how many keys have been cut and who has one.
  • When employees leave the business, make sure that their keys are returned.
  • If you’re concerned about untracked keys, invest in having your locks changed.
  • If some parts of your business contain sensitive information or expensive goods, consider securing these areas separately either with a different lock or individualised swipe keys.

2. Secure your doors and windows

How difficult would it be to break in through each of your business’ access points? You could improve the security of doors and windows by:

  • Swapping doors to reinforced wood or steel.
  • Using commercial-grade locks on entrances, exits, internal doors and windows that open. Make sure to use a reputable locksmith for any changes.
  • Training all staff to lock doors and windows whenever they’re closed.
  • Making sure all tools, ladders, or other heavy equipment are locked inside. Left outside, these could be used by burglars to break in.

3. Install video cameras and empower staff

Most businesses have corners of their work or retail space where they can’t always see what’s going on. By installing video cameras that staff can easily keep an eye on, you reduce the likelihood of theft by empowering staff and alerting potential thieves that they’re being recorded.

However, a crucial step that some small businesses miss is training staff in what to do if they suspect or witness theft. Confrontation can be uncomfortable, so make sure you have policies in place and training available to instill staff with confidence and knowledge.

4. Make sure there are vehicles parked outside

Another burglary prevention strategy is to have vehicles parked outside your property or in your driveway. This creates the impression of occupancy, even when no one is in.

So while your business is closed and your own car is sleeping at home, you can protect your business by finding people to park in your space. An easy way to do this is through the Parkable app, which has a trusted community of thousands of parkers looking for space.

Plus, at the same time as protecting your business, you’ll create a new revenue stream from your car park.

5. Ensure the exterior of your business is well-kept and brightly lit

If the exterior of your business is bright, tidy and well-maintained, you will deter potential thieves by giving the impression that you take careful measures when it comes to your business - including security. Plus, people are less likely to burgle a business with bright lighting, as they’re more likely to be caught. Specific measures include:

  • Install motion-sensor lights at each entrance. These can startle thieves and let them know that their face could be caught on camera.
  • Trim and maintain hedges, lawns, trees or other vegetation. This shows that you care for the property, and also ensures that there are no easy hiding places.
  • Maintain gates and fences, and make sure these are always closed at the end of the day.

Each of these security measures comes from either the New Zealand Police or the Australian Security Industry Association, so to learn more, click the links!

Now that your business is physically secure, the next step is to consider cybersecurity. Check out this short article by Forbes for five simple ways that small businesses can improve their security online.

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