On Feb 25 2022 / by Wyoming Paul

MYOB goes live with Parkable, growing the company’s innovation toolbox

Innovative financial tech company MYOB has just launched Parkable at its Auckland office

MYOB values digital best practice and using intuitive tools to drive staff engagement, making Parkable a great fit for the company. They have been using Parkable to reduce the business’s admin time, improve parking experiences, and optimise their real estate.

The Parkable platform has already significantly reduced the time that MYOB spends on car park administration, with Melanie Milner, Employee Experience Support Specialist, stating that Parkable “has reduced my admin time a lot, and I don’t deal with parking much anymore.”

Ease of use is another significant benefit for MYOB:

“[Parkable] is a software that runs itself.”
- Marlon Matias, Digital Delivery Analyst
“Parkable is simple and easy to use. We’ve found adoption to be very quick as the app is so intuitive.”
- Martin Longley, Head of Digital Experience

MYOB has been working to streamline and automate digital employee touchpoints, and use technology and data in ways that make staff onboarding seamless. With Parkable, that strategy has been extended to staff parking.

“Parkable is one of the tools in our toolbox that supports streamlining, and benefits staff and the business."
- Martin Longley

Want to see how other businesses have used Parkable to benefit their staff, reduce admin time, and use resources more efficiently? Click through to our success stories.

Solve your parking problems

If you have workplace parking spots and want to...

  • Improve employee parking experiences
  • Reduce car park admin
  • Make better use of your space
  • Align your parking with a flexible working culture
  • Implement hardware solutions

...feel free to get in touch!