On Feb 01 2023 / by Cassie Daley

Revlon teams up with Parkable for their 80 staff members

Revlon, of beauty industry fame, has recently implemented Parkable, the Proptech company changing the parking world through technology, to improve their staff members’ parking experience. The company is known globally as a colour authority and beauty trendsetter – being on the cutting edge of their industry; it makes sense that they would be keen to keep their parking fresh and relevant, too!

What prompted them to upgrade their parking situation and find new solutions?

The main reason for Revlon was its exciting office move. While this new site offered incredible opportunities to interact with their clients and let them deepen connections within their community, the on-site parking was limited. With that, the team at Revlon really wanted to make sure that the small amount of parking spaces were shared equally among their staff, with no one struggling to find space. Turning to Parkable for help meant that no one would have to worry about being late to work because they couldn’t find parking.

Parkable took the hassle out of parking for the Revlon team, in particular through the availability of future booking. Future booking allows staff to plan ahead and request parking spaces for any day in the future so that they do not have to worry about a thing when they come into the office day of. This way, staff are able to share the available seven bays between themselves, which is especially handy when members are working from home, on holiday or on leave.

The algorithm ensures that parking is distributed fairly, meaning everyone has an equal chance at securing their space. There is flexibility for daily sharing and ease of access for long-term booking as well.

“Parkable has meant no heavy admin lifting” says Erin Carle, Senior HR Manager at Revlon. “This office move presented Revlon with a parking cultural shift as our previous office had parking for all employees. It was a no brainer to treat all our employees equally by providing the opportunity to share parking. It has been so well received and Parkable is the engine behind it all making it possible.”

Moving is always tough, but thanks to Parkable, the staff at Revlon has been able to settle right in. The team says that they love the app so far, finding it simple and easy to use. Heading back to work post-pandemic means readjusting to the daily routines of office life – including parking – but that does not mean offices have to return to old hassles!

Parkable is bringing parking into the modern tech era and ironing out the inconveniences.

Solve your parking problems

If you have workplace parking spots and want to...

  • Improve employee parking experiences
  • Reduce car park admin
  • Make better use of your space
  • Align your parking with a flexible working culture
  • Implement hardware solutions